Page 28 - Yasir Plastik Catalog
P. 28
PVC hammaddes le üret len kolon boruları tek parça ve eks z şek lde, b r ucu erkek başlı dıştan pasolu
d ğer ucu se d ş başlı çten pasolu, her k ucunda aynı anda ve tam merkezl olarak açılan, yüksek yük çekme
kapas tes ne sah p özel tasarımlı, trapez d şl üret ld ğ ç n der nl ğe ve uzunluğa bakılmaksızın kolaylıkla kısa
sürede takılıp söküleb lmekted r. D ş açılan kısmı sonuna yerleşt r len O-r ng (conta) ned n yle; y vlere kum s lt
vb. aşındırıcı maddeler n g r ş engellenerek sızdırmazlık sağlanır. TS 13775 Standardına uygun olarak 3 metre
hal nde düz ve manşonlu üret m yapılmaktadır.
Produced of the raw material of PVC, column pipes are composed of single part without joint, one end
having a male flange and external pass, and the other a female flange and internal pass, and they can be
assembled and disassembled in a short time and with ease regardless of the depth and length since they are
produced with specially designed buttress gears with a high weight load capacity that are opened at both ends
at the exact center. Thanks to the O-ring (seal ring) placed at the end where the screw threads have been cut,
the entry of abrasive substances such as sand, silt, etc. into the threads is prevented, and thus leak tightness is
ensured. We produce this pipe at a length of 3 meters and in straight and sleeved forms.
• Ekonom kt r.
• Uzun ömürlüdür. ( En az 50 yıl serv s ömrü)
• Paslanmaya ve çürümeye dayanıklıdır. (Korozyona maruz kalmaz).
• K myasallara karşı mukavemetl d r.
• H jyen kt r. (Bakter ve d ğer canlılar üremez)
• Sağlığa zararlı değ ld r. (Suyun reng , tadı ve kal tes n değ şt rmez).
• Der nl ğe ve uzunluğa bakılmaksızın kolaylıkla ve kısa sürede takılıp söküleb lmekted r.
• D ş açılan kısmın sonuna yerleşt r len “O” r ng neden yle; y vlere kum s lt vb. aşındırıcı maddeler n g r ş
engellenerek aşınma, t treş m önlenmekted r.
•They are economical.
•They are durable (with a service life of at least 50 years).
•They are resistant against rusting and corrosion.
•They are resistant against chemicals.
•They are hygienic (Bacteria and other organisms cannot reproduce in these pipes).
•They are not harmful for the health (they do not change the color, taste and quality of the water).
•They can be assembled and disassembled easily and in a short time regardless of the depth and length.
•Thanks to the “O” ring placed at the end where the screw threads have been cut, the entry of abrasive
substances such as sand, silt, etc. into the threads is prevented, and thus abrasion and vibration are